kathor anu
कठोर अनुशसन = DRILLउदाहरण : बीमा राशि का दावा करने के लिए कठोर अनुशासन क्या है?
Usage : what is the drill for claiming insurance money?
Usage : what is the drill for claiming insurance money?
(Noun) +7
कठोर अनुशासन = STRICT DISCIPLINEउदाहरण : प्राचीन आश्रमो मे शिष्यों के लिए कठोर अनुशासन होता था !
Usage : Rigorous rules of admission, were enforced, strict discipline was maintained and effective steps were taken to preserve the secrecy of operations.
Usage : Rigorous rules of admission, were enforced, strict discipline was maintained and effective steps were taken to preserve the secrecy of operations.
(noun) +21
कठोर अनुशासक = MARTINETउदाहरण : उन्होंने जल्द ही पता लगा लिया कि नया शिक्षक कठोर अनुशासक है।
Usage : They soon discovered that the new teacher is martinet.
Usage : They soon discovered that the new teacher is martinet.
(Noun) 0
कठोर अनुशासन में रह कर शिक्षा देना = DRILLउदाहरण : एन.सी.सी. कैडेट्स ने कठोर अनुशासन में रह कर शिक्षा दी।
Usage : The N.C.C.cadets have practised rifle drill.
Usage : The N.C.C.cadets have practised rifle drill.
(Verb) +2